Lost & Found works on reconciliation through design. It is our responsibility to respond to calls for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. To do so, we need to start by learning and communicating the truth about past and current actions toward Indigenous peoples and lands. This is important work that requires finding a new way forward—with clarity, openness, and kindness. To take action, we are humbly feeling our way forward in shaping the process of co-designed projects. We hope to inspire others and we have much more to learn. We’re proud to share some of projects which touch on these teachings.
Museum of Vancouver Exhibition Design
The City before the City Exhibition Design
Fort Calgary Exhibition Planning and Design
tə šxʷhəleləm̓s tə k̓ʷaƛ̓kʷəʔaʔɬ
First Peoples' Cultural Council
UBC Totem Park Commons Interpretive Design
Indian Residential Schools History and Dialogue Centre Exhibition Design
Victoria Citywide Wayfinding Strategy
Remains of a Journey Book
YVR Musqueam Exhibition
səmiq̓ʷəʔelə Signage Masterplan